Last Updated: 30-Sep-2024

Number of Challan :
Amount of Challan :
50,822 Cr.

Number of EFT :
Amount of EFT:
15,533 Cr.

Number of Beneficiary :
G2P Amount :
834 Cr.

Number of Transaction :
Transaction Amount :
58,297 Cr.

Number of e-GP Bill with iBAS++ :
e-GP Bill Amount :
0 Cr.

Number of PL Account Bill :
PL Account Bill Amount :
1,258 Cr.
Integrated Budget and Accounting System (iBAS++) is an Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) of Government of Bangladesh (GoB). It is dedicated to accelerate the process of transformation towards Digital Bangladesh. It covers all stages of PFM cycle from budget preparation to auditing. It has also generated more than 400 financial management reports and prepared data for auditors. The core objective of iBAS++ is to incorporate all receipts, payments and financial transactions of GoB in a structured automated system in order to provide transparent, hassle free and reliable financial services to the citizens. Public Financial Management (PFM) system automation in Bangladesh started in 1995 through consolidation of accounts and budget preparation. Later in 2005, a LAN based Transaction Accounting System (TAS) was introduced. In 2006, WAN based home grown IFMIS named Integrated Budget and Accounting System has been developed. Later, this system was upgraded to iBAS++ through establishment of internet based central server in 2016.


Pay Points


Awards & Recognitions
iBAS++ has received numerous noteworthy awards. Many prestigious PFM institutions have recognized achievements of iBAS++
iBAS++ Achievements
iBAS++ achieves trust through empowering users, decentralization of financial authority, openness and transparency of its stakeholders’ interests. Robustness and real-time revenue collection, financial delegation, private savings, automated salary system, dynamic system with facilitation of increasing number of pay-points and cost-centers are reaching out high marks.
2,20,000 Crore+
Collection of Revenue in FY 2023-24 by A-Challan system of iBAS++
Gazetted officers submit pay bill in iBAS++ and receive salary through EFT
Individuals/institutions bought BDT 4,13,085 crore+ worth savings schemes up to june 2024
Autonomous bodies connected with iBAS++
Pay points are connected with iBAS++
Non-Gazette staffs are receiving salary through EFT
1.5 Crore+
Transactions are recorded in iBAS++ per month
DDO’s are working online to process bills using iBAS++
Offices (Including all Ministries/Divisions/Departments) prepare bodget by using iBAS++
Cost centers of SAE’s are using iBAS++ for work order, bill submission and payment processing
iBAS++ Integration & Coverage
iBAS++ consolidates key financial institutions in its comprehensive coverage horizon through systematic cohesion and coordination.
Service delivery of iBAS++ has remained its core objective operationalized through many groundbreaking service innovations.
DDO Other Bills
iBAS++ allows online bill (other than pay bills) processing and suppliers to get online payments
Click HereLeave Management
Auto leave calculation and leave application of government employees can be submitted and approved through iBAS++.
Click HereHouse Loan Management
iBAS++ enables auto calculation of loan repayment and subsidy of House loan.
Click HereA-Challan
Automated Challan Management System allowing citizens to deposit government receipts through online
Click HereChallan Verification
It allows verification of deposited challan through online by the depositor and the service provider
Click HereNSD System
National Savings Deposit management system assists in managing sales and accounting of government saving schemes
Click HerePension EFT
Pensioners are now receiving monthly payment through Electronic Fund Transfer system of iBAS++
Click HerePay Bill
iBAS++ allows officers for online submission of pay bill which generates GPF, loans and income tax statements
Click Here